Call for Volunteers for Rethunk!
As you Lish wrote earlier here, this year Handmade Detroit’s Rethunk tent will have a new theme for the Green Street Fair this year – “Create Your Own Canvas”. We’ll…
Race for the Cure Crafty Fundraising!
Our crafty friend Liz is raising funds for the fight against breast cancer in a creative and green way – she is using past years’ Susan G. Komen Race for…
Support I3 Detroit on!
Our friends at I3 Detroit are looking to move and expand their work space in order to host even more and bigger classes for the crafters, hackers and makers in…
Vote For Your Favorite “Let’s Save Michigan” Poster
The judges were so impressed with all the artist submissions for the “Lets Save Michigan” poster contest, that they just couldn’t narrow it down to 25 favorites – they had…
Oscar Party Crafting
This year at the Oscars, I’ll be cheering especially for Coraline – both for the craftiness of the movie, and it’s many Michigan references! Added bonus: Neil Gaiman, the author…
One Yard Wonders II looking for submissions
Rebecca and Trish, the ladies behind Storey Publishing’s “One Yard Wonders” announced this week that they are now working on a sequel to the hit book! OYW’s sister will be…
Craft Supply Swap this Sunday
Flint Handmade will be hosting it’s semi-annual Craft Supply Swap this Sunday at The Lunch Studio in downtown Flint! It’s completely free, and a great way to trade in any…
A Must Read!
Heather of Bettula posted a link recently to a great article called “Wholesale, Retail and Beginning to Sell Your Handmades to Shops” on the Posie Gets Cozy blog, and I’m…
Meet Craftzine’s New Blogger
You know her from Craftervidz, her super-crafty reporting here on the Handmade Detroit blog, and her adorable kitchen towels, but now you can also know HD’s Lish as Craftzine’s newest…
The DIA “Let’s Save Michigan” Poster Contest
The Detroit Institute of Arts is hosting a poster contest through February 15th with the theme of “Let’s Save Michigan”. Artists can submit their original uplifting posters, to the LetsSaveMichigan…