What we love: Crafty Valentine contests

Steph had a great idea to make this month all about “the things we love,” and I couldn’t agree more. Something that I’m loving right now is Instructables. I love the site because it’s open to anyone who has a good idea and the know-how to teach others how to be makers. I also love the fact that they’ve got a great contest up for Valentine’s Day right now. (And it doesn’t hurt that the mascot is cuter than cookies. Man, what is with robots these days?!)

Take a look at the site and submit those clever Valentine’s Day ideas! I know I sure did.

And speaking of contests, CRAFT has a fun, yet environmentally friendly, contest challenging us to recycle our love into new Valentine’s Day cards (I’m rushing home from work today to submit my idea before it’s too late!). The deadline is tonight, so step to it!