Cyberoptix TieLab is Etsy’s featured seller

Speaking of Etsy, Bethany Shorb of Cyberoptix TieLab is the featured seller right now. Read about her Detroit-based tie company here. You can meet Bethany in person from 6-9 p.m. this…

Last-minute shopping rush: Local places to buy handmade and indie

Still searching for some last-minute gifts? Why not forgo Best Buy for some local, independent establishments? Here’s a quick list of some metro Detroit places to get your indie shop…

Krafty Kids interview: Eva Bush of Green Leaf & Owl

This week’s Krafty Kids interview proves once again that Flint is full of talent. Eva Bush, 24, of Green Leaf & Owl makes adorable jewelry. I spotted her on Soulemama‘s…

Krafty Kids interview: Eva Bush of Green Leaf & Owl

This week’s Krafty Kids interview proves once again that Flint is full of talent. Eva Bush, 24, of Green Leaf & Owl makes adorable jewelry. I spotted her on Soulemama‘s…

Krafty Kids interview: Pamela Wynne of Flint Knits

I stumbled across Pamela Wynne’s beautiful knitting projects on Flickr one day and just knew we’d have to feature her on our little blog. Wynne, 29, resides in Flint and…

Don’t forget: Sunday is March Crafternoon goodness!

March is here, and it’s time for another Sunday Crafternoon! Make sure to come and join us for Sunday Crafternoon at the Woodward Avenue Brewers in Ferndale. The first Sunday…

Upcoming Handmade Detroit events

Warning: You’ll want to get out your calendar before reading this post. These past weeks have been filled with booking some upcoming Handmade Detroit events. Hopefully this post won’t be…

Ten ways to get more involved in the New Year

Of all the questions we get at HD headquarters, the one we get most often is: How can I get involved? So in the spirit of New Year’s resolutions, and…

HDHM vendors

A list of all the participants: Austin Shyu Bellyache Candy Shoppe BlackTag Clothing (Graphic stenciled shirts) bX Ceramics Cerberus Records Christine Copeland (Crochet) City Bird Dang Argyle Detroit Craft Mafia…