HDHM Sneak Peek final installment: Exclusive, elusive goods

The final installment of a quick look at just some of the 2007 Handmade Detroit Holiday Market vendors. You know those people who seem to have everything? Here’s two things we’re betting they don’t have, but the Handmade Detroit Holiday Market does.

Artomat 2 of 5
Artomat 3 of 5

Took Gallagher owns the only Art-o-mat in Michigan. She’s bringing some strong people, hauling it up the stairs and plugging it in at the Handmade Detroit Holiday Market. For $5 you can get a one-of-a-kind original piece of art straight from a re-fabbed cigarette machine.


Rev. Aitor’s Unflattering Portraits have been featured on Blueprint blog. Since he’s a Toronto native, this is your only chance to have a super unflattering picture of you or someone you love (just bring a photo to the Market) this holiday season. That’s Jen from City of Craft and Toronto Craft Alert showing you how easy and fab it is to suprise a friend.

Check out all these rad handmade items and so many more at the Handmade Detroit Holiday Market, Nov. 16+17 at the Magic Stick.