Handmade Detroit awesomeness, recently

Sometimes I find myself asking: How do other craft groups exist without a Lish? You’ll probably be asking the same thing after you read this week’s Metro Times.

Photo: Metro Times

Photo: Metro Times

Make sure to pick up a copy, heck, pick up several copies, cause Lish is featured in all her crafty, bloggy, pop culture awesomeness.

Here’s one of my favorite lines: Lish: “Why does MySpace seem so ghetto and dirty now. It feels weird to say it even.”

Later, she describes huffing gas. Brilliant. It almost makes me want to forgive the MT for totally leaving Bethany out of the article.

If you’re house-bound or allergic to newspaper, you can read the whole thing here.


Not only is Bethany a member of Handmade Detroit, but she’s also doing awesome things like getting The Fat Boys to endorse her.

What? Yes, The Fat Boys love them some record notebooks! Check out the full story of how this came to be on the Reware blog.

And tune in tonight at 11 p.m. to Fat Boys TV for your chance to win some record pins.

And writers, please take note: These are the ladies that run Handmade Detroit. Yes, we’re pretty cute and we know that can be distracting.


L-R: Stephanie + Amy + Lish + Bethany + Carey = 5