Etsy on Martha Stewart


How surprised was I to see Etsy on Martha Stewart on Friday? Not that much, actually. Martha has been featuring Etsy artists, like Betz White, for some time now. But what was interesting was listening to Martha get the lowdown on what Etsy is all about.

To us crafters, Etsy has brought many of us the opportunity to sell our goods online, shop for gifts or look for inspiration from other like-minded makers. But to the majority of the Martha Stewart studio audience, I got the feeling that listening to story about a bunch of “crafters” was nothing more than precious. I hope I’m wrong! Regardless, the opportunity to be featured on the show was huge, and it kind of felt like knowing someone famous when I saw Matt sitting in the audience 😉

Did anyone else see the show? What did you think? And poor Rob, I don’t think anyone likes his shirt…

Web-exclusive interview with Etsy