You’ve probably read about how much I like Flickr member Pippi’s cool mosaics of craft projects that she finds from photos on the site. When she’s not busy looking through Flickr photos for ideas, she enjoys needlepoint, quilting, knitting, crochet, cross stitch, rug hooking, sewing and embroidery. I sent her a few questions about her craft mosaics (she’s been a Flickr member since July 2006) to pick her brain on how she keeps us updated on nifty projects:
Why did you decide to create the mosaic?
I decided to create mosaics so I could share all my favorite crafts that I have added to my favorites on Flickr. I admire so many of them. I felt they should be shown to as many people as I could.
How often do you post it?
I have been posting them every Friday, thinking people could get inspired and get crafting over the weekend!
How do you come up with “themes?”
I don’t really come up with a theme, but in a way I do see how some of them have things in common with one another.
How do you select the photos?
I look for things that I know have taken effort. I can tell how much heart a crafter puts into her/his craft and that is what I admire. It’s the little details I love.
What kind of feedback have you received from the crafters profiled in your photos? What kind of feedback have you received from commenters?
It’s funny, they have been thinking the mosaics are art themselves! I never quite thought of them that way; I just want people to see these crafts and go visit the people who did them…
How do you think Flickr helps crafters/makers promote/showcase their projects?
Flickr is amazing. It is so much better than blogs. First you are just looking at their projects. You aren’t getting personally involved in their lives, just checking out their crafts. If you only have so much time on the computer, Flickr is the way to go. It is a awesome way to get inspired.
Make sure to check out our blog every Friday. We’ll provide a link to the latest craft mosaic!