Monthly Archives: July 2006

Ypsilanti sure knows how to craft!

Thanks to everyone at the Shadow Art Fair for a wonderful fair experience and lots of reasons to get ridiculously excited for Aug. 5. Stephanie, Christine and I headed over…

Set your iTunes to CraftSanity

Tired of the same old NPR podcast? Well, Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood has the solution. Jennifer is the host of CraftSanity, a crafty-based podcast available for download on her Web site or…

Project Crawl: Paper or Plastic?

I don’t know how you spent your weekend, but I enjoyed a hot, stressful day of moving my belongings from one home to another. As many of my friends will…

Mitten Maker: THE PHOTOS!

As Steph put it, we had a great time. Why not add some photo magic to the reflection?! Adrienne, Bethany and I look hot in this photo- LITERALLY. This place…

Shadow Art Fair: This Saturday

We feel like we don’t even really need to promote this event it is so fantastic. The Shadow Art Fair happens this Saturday in Ypsilanti and the list of DIY…

Mitten Maker reflection

Ah, yes. If you missed Saturday night at the Buddha, you missed a super time. Chris from Waiting Line Theory sums it up better than we can, and so we…

Mitten maker: Tonight!

Before you head over the Hard Lessons tonight, come to the Buddha Lounge and have a drink with us. Insider info: Handmade Detroit mavens will have embroidered vintage gloves, re-made…

The countdown begins.

The Detroit Urban Craft Fair is only a month away! I created a ticker. So maybe it’s technically a wedding ticker … but that just makes it hilarious. Detroit Urban…

Links updated

Just a quick note, I’ve updated some of our links over there and added a stat counter so that we can see just how unpopular we are. I particularly want…