DIY bikes, Part four: Customize your ride with these bike mods

Part four of our ongoing series on DIY bikes!

If you aren’t satisfied with your basic Huffy, there are lots of projects all over the web for making it extra special.

These Japanese Decoration Bikes should inspire you to get started:


Want to tow something on your bike? Here is a large list of trailer (and other hauling ideas) projects. If you want some more umph, Bike Power has lots of resources on adding electric power to your bike and even links to sites that sell DIY electric kits. Looking for more jazz? Turn your spokes into an electric disply at Spoke POV. Or you can turn your bike into a lawn mower.

Know of a crazy awesome bike mod? Let us know in the comments. 

Up next in our final installment on DIY bikes: Projects that recycle your bike

Previously in the DIY bikes series.